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    Laser Hair Bleaching

    > Services > Skin Laser Solutions > Laser Hair Bleaching

    Laser Hair Bleaching Treatment Black Friday Sale

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    Laser Hair Bleaching Treatment Black Friday Sale

    About the Treatment

    Our center employs highly qualified medical specialists of the first and highest qualification categories with work experience of at least 10 years.

    Information Free Consultation
    Information FDA-Approved
    Information Men and Women
    Information State-of-the-art Machines

    About Laser Hair Bleaching

    Fine hair, you know that soft baby hair? That one!
    It’s not easy to get rid of – due to its soft nature and color.
    Laser hair removal can’t target it, and epilation, waxing, or shaving can risk hair growth, even home bleaching techniques can be risky.

    That’s why laser hair bleaching offers an effective remedy for unwanted fine hair that cannot be easily spotted by other hair removal lasers.


    How does it work?


    Laser bleaching is a non-permanent solution targets the finest hair with immaculate precision, and then bleaches it, without damaging the surrounding tissue.


    This treatment uses the Q-switch Nd: YAG, Revlite ® – Medlite ® Laser Technology that targets the finest hair with more precision than any other laser machine. It is capable of bleaching the melanin found in fine hair shaft making it lighter to an extent where it is almost invisible.


    Laser hair bleaching can then be performed every 4 to 6 weeks or when needed.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    All you need to know about this treatment.


    Q-switch Nd: YAG laser’s efficacy allows it to bleach hair almost anywhere it grows regardless of the skin’s color and type. Excluding the area surrounding the eyes.
    Therefore, it is safe to say that the Q-switch technology can treat fine hair that grows on the face, body, and sensitive areas such as the upper lip or bikini.

    Say no to bleaching fine hair on tattoos!
    Since our bleaching treatment is done using a laser machine it might affect the tattoo to a point where it might be removed.

    Laser hair bleaching poses little to no risk at all when performed by Silkor’s skilled practitioners using the latest advanced machines.

    The treatment is superficial and takes no more than 30 minutes. It is relatively painless, yet some people usually report a slight tingling sensation. However, a topical anesthetic can be applied if required.

    During the session, the baby hair is bleached and becomes invisible, then 10 to 15 days later, the treated hair will fall out.
    After the session, you might notice mild redness and a light warm sensation.

    Here’s our treatment protocol:

    The Do’s and Don’ts of Laser Bleaching

    Before your session:

    • Stop using bleaching and exfoliating creams for 3 to 4 days.
    • Avoid tanning 1 week before the session.
    • Treated area must be free of any open sores, lesions or skin infections.

    After your session:

    • Apply a 50+ sunscreen on the treated area.
    • Avoid sun exposure for 5 days.
    • Avoid cosmetics for 48 hours.


    Did You Know?

    Some fine hair can be classified as excess hair, especially when it appears more prominently on certain areas. 

    Fortunately we can help lighten these fine hairs, making them less noticeable for a smoother look!


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